What Do You Call Yourself?
This article got me thinking. When I started off in the school library profession back in the early 2000's, I referred to myself as a Media Specialist. That was what my degree listed and so that was what I went. I spent a decent amount of time explaining exactly what I did. I mean, nowhere in the title was librarian or library, so I usually just ended up saying "I'm a School Library Media Specialist." A mouthful. For sure. Then I started seeing the word librarian re-enter the school library world. I liked this because people instantly understood this term. Short, sweet, and relatable. But then, on occasion, people would then confuse me with a public librarian. Truth is, I've never worked a day in a public library other than volunteering and serving on boards. So... school librarian. Yes, that succinctly summed it up. Then teacher-librarian came into the game. And, that felt right too. It explained the teacher in me and the librarian in me. After all, I ...