That's a Wrap! Boot Camp 2019
Every year the SD State Library puts on a professional development event called School Library Boot Camp which is usually in the summer. This event, we changed things up a bit. The face-to-face portion of the event was held in conjunction with the annual SDLA conference on September 25 in Spearfish and the rest of the two credit course was online. We had a full house! Thirty people participated with quite a variety of backgrounds ranging from certified teacher-librarians to library para-professionals to English language specialists to school counselors to teachers. In total, 18 districts/entities were represented. This year's theme was centered around inclusion, equity, and diversity. Attendees focused on how they as educators can support ALL students with a unique focus on students with special needs, those with disabilities, English Language Learners, LGBTQI+ students, and the culturally diverse. During the face-to-face segment of the course, teacher-librarian Jennif...