Transliteracy and the School Library
Simply put, it's the ability to read, write, interact, and collaborate across and throughout a range of platforms, contexts, genres, tools, and media.
I'll shoot out some phrases that come to mind when thinking about transliteracy...
- convergence of literacies
- learning being both effective AND diverse
- understand, use, and interact with literacies beyond reading and writing
- active participation
- evolve from consumers to producers
- adaptation
- mapping meaning
- collaboration
- literacy is a holistic ecology
- not linear
At the 2019 TIE conference, I attended a session because it looked intriguing and because it specifically mentioned 'library' in the title. 😊
The session was about transliteracy and it was just so good. Good in a useful, real-life way. Good in an "I can do that" sort of way.
Many thanks to Megan Dingman and Maggie Unterseher of Campbell County School District in Gillette, WY for sharing their work with us. Their presentation titled Transliteracy: Combining Technology and Library Media is loaded with spot-on ideas for lessons as well as handy links to resources about incorporating transliteracy into library curriculum.
Be sure to check out the video embedded in the presentation on slide 4. It's a wonderful example and explanation of transliteracy in the library.
About the presenters:
Megan is a certified teacher-librarian in Gillette, Wyoming. She is also the Coordinator for Staff Development of Libraries in Campbell County School District. She's been in an educator in both South Dakota and Wyoming for 13 years, 10 of them in the library. Megan is also a participant in TIE's Reaching Out program for school librarians in WY, SD, and ND.
Maggie is a certified teacher-librarian in Gillette and is the Coordinator for Library Curriculum and Instruction at for the district. She has worked in libraries for six years and recently finished a submission for National Board Certification.
Disclaimer: The South Dakota State Library does not endorse any service or product listed in this blog.