Copyright and Creativity

Lately, I've received quite a few questions about the topics of copyright and fair use.  I thought I'd share two resource links that may be helpful as you teach digital citizenship skills.

The first is my curated Pearltrees collection. This collection has links about copyright, fair use, free-to-use images, plagiarism, etc...

The second is one that I've link on this Pearltrees list. It's called Copyright & Creativity, and it's pretty great. It's a free, one-stop-shop for teaching topics of copyright and digital citizenship; and as busy educators, don't we love that?

Within this website you'll find comprehensive lessons to teach elementary (1 per grade level), middle, and high school students about copyright and fair use. Each lesson has slides and a PDF for the instructor plus short videos to show students.

There are also printable posters and a flyer to share with stakeholders. You'll also find a professional development section that offers a free self-paced course to review copyright basics. 

To access this trove, you'll have to register for a free account.

Disclaimer: The South Dakota State Library does not endorse any service, product, or recommendation listed in this blog.

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