Harrisburg High School Library | HIGHLIGHT

There's some seriously cool programming happening at the Harrisburg High School Library! Librarian Eve Langerock is a second-year librarian and she's diving deep to support literacy, build connection, and inspire enthusiasm. Prior to moving into the library, Eve was an English teacher for 13 years.

Eve is supported by a wonderful full-time library assistant whose presence allows Eve the flexibility to plan and co-teach with staff. This support system helps to ensure that school library standards are integrated throughout the school-wide curriculum. 


In their English classes, prior to coming to the library, students select the specific genres they enjoy reading. The library staff then sets up the library like a restaurant and assigns students to tables based on their genre. Students get the opportunity to “taste” 12 different books in the courses of an appetizer, main course, and dessert. Their menu allows them to take notes on each book and rate the ones they would like to check out. This is a fun way to collaborate with classroom teachers, encourage self-selected reading, and build interest in the library.


Students sign up to break out of the educational escape room during their open periods. The escape room is one from Breakout EDU and takes about 45 minutes. It follows the adventures of Valentino Cupid as he travels around the world. Students use geography, math, reading, and critical thinking skills in this adventure.


Students show off their artistic sides by painting bookends using a simple painting station in the library. Many of the paintings involve characters and settings from students’ favorite books. It's a fun way to brighten up the library, support STEAM, and build student-ownership.


A food-driven book exchange proved to be a fun event bringing in many new faces! Students brought in books from home that they were willing to part with and exchanged them for new books from other students. The library partnered with local businesses to have a coffee and donut sale during the book exchange.

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