Register for 2019 SD School Library Boot Camp!

Each year the SD State Library offers a professional development opportunity called School Library Boot Camp. And, each year, we change up the theme. This year’s Boot Camp theme is Inclusion: That All May Learn.

We'll focus on how librarians and educators can support ALL students with a unique focus on students with special needs, those with disabilities, English Language Learners, LGBTQI+ students, and the culturally diverse.

Here's low-down:

When: We're trying out something different so this year Boot Camp is on Sept. 25, 2019 starting at 8AM to 6PM. The rest of the clock hours will be completed online. Boot Camp will be saddled with the annual SDLA (South Dakota Library Association) conference scheduled for Sept. 25-27, 2019. NOTE: Boot Camp is NOT a part of the conference and conference attendance is not required to be a part of Boot Camp.

Where: Spearfish, SD at the Holiday Inn and Convention Center

What: Boot Camp is a two-credit Black Hills State University course that can be taken at either the undergraduate or graduate level. This course can be applied to the Library Methods requirement of the BHSU School Library Media minor and the SDDOE Library Media endorsement. College credit/tuition costs are covered via a scholarship through the SD State Library. 

Who: All SD library staff and other SD educators welcome! Invite your staff.

Extra Special Note: We’ve been lucky enough to bring back presenter Jennifer LaGarde - teacher-librarian, award-winning blogger of The Adventures of Library Girl, and AASL's Social Justice Defender. This topic is her jam so she's extra excited to be with us! It sure to be an impactful time with Jennifer's energy and professionalism. Plus, you won't want to miss her at SDLA!

To register, email Alissa Adams, SDSL School Library Technology Coordinator. 

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