Strategic Planning for School Libraries

Does the school library have a strategic plan? If not, it's time.

The American Rescue Plan Act, was signed into law on March 11, 2021. It is a massive economic package - the third in a series provided by the federal government - addressing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more about federal COVID funding at

Now is the time to get the library's desired future on paper via a strategic plan.

A school library strategic plan...

  • defines goals to achieve over an extended period of time - usually 3 to 5 years.
  • allows for backward planning.
  • is aligned with the school’s mission, the curriculum, and the School Improvement Plan.
  • connects the dots between the library and student outcomes.
  • creates a baseline and allows the librarian to measure growth.
  • allows librarians to concretely share with administrators the role the library plays in the learning culture of the school.
  • demonstrates the depths and legitimacy of the school library program. 
  • encourages the librarian(s) to develop mindful goals that are specific and measurable

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