Summer Reading - What's On Your List?

Goodreads is my go-to when finding my newest book. It's also the place I track my reading with my free account. And... it's a place I use to locate books for library collections. I like that Goodreads has real people reviews. This allows me to get a good indication of what other people (adults and teens and kids alike) think about specific books and series. The point is to not just have books on the library shelves, it's to have kids actually read the books, right?! Well, reviews help with that process.

While adding my newest read to my CURRENTLY READING list, I happened upon the Armchair Travelling: Books Set in Every U.S. State section on the Summer Reading page.

A literary state-by-state tour through America? Yes, please.

I actually went through all 50 states and discovered I had either read or listened to 8 titles. 
I haven't read South Dakota's title (yet). Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden, an enrolled member of the Sicangu Lakota Nation. 

This book is now on my WANT TO READ list! What's on your summer reading list?

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